Why AngularJS sounds familiar to XPages developers...

When I started to look at AngularJS a few years ago, I surprisingly found myself quickly comfortable with this technology. One of the reason is that many of its concepts are shared with XPages.  Of course, there are fundamental differences, the most obvious being AngularJS a pure client technology while XPages, based on JSF, is a server side one. But still, they share a lot! If you know XPages, your experience understanding AngularJS should be similar to mine. I'm basing my experience on  AngularJS 1.x, although it is also applies to 2.0. 2.0 is even closer to Java programmers with the use of TypeScript and new concepts familiar to Java developers (classes, ...). But this is a different topic.

Let me dive into the similarities between the 2 frameworks:

1- The Document Object Model (DOM) as the page content
If it is obvious that Angular works on top of a DOM, but XPages is also working on a DOM. If AngularJS leverages the browser HTML DOM, XPages manages an hierarchy of JSF components. Both are hierarchical, with a parent-children relationship, and represent the content of the page. 

2- Contextual data
Angular calls that a scope, which is data assigned to a DOM element and its children. If this concept does not exist in the JSF spec, XPages provides it through "complex properties" like data sources, or even the "context" object that lets developers add data to a component and its children.

3- Scripts and formulas
Obviously Angular uses JavaScript as its scripting language, similarly to XPages, plus a JavaScript based formula language for expression evaluation. XPages also uses the JSF EL for basic expression

4- Data binding
Angular does data binding either through attributes to the DOM elements, or expressions within curly braces {{...}}. Well, XPages does kind of the same thing with value binding expressions, ${...}or #{...}

5- Directives or components
Angular does great job extending your browser HTML with directives. In short, you can create your own tags (or even attributes one can use on existing tags). XPages does the same with custom controls, adding new tags to the XML describing the page.

6- Managed beans
Angular uses services, JSF has managed beans to externalize the business logic outside of the page. In both cases, you access the object by its name, using dependency injection for Angular, or faces-config.xml for XPages.

Of course, there are real differences. One of them is the processing model, as XPages is running well known phases while Angular uses an event based model, with a queue of events. But still, as an XPages developer, you'll feel at home pretty quickly when writing an application.

How about Angular 2.0? Well we are currently experimenting with it and I'll share my findings in a little while.


  1. Nice blog post and I can confirm Angular2 is much more component based and very familiar as a Java developer. The concept of classes and inheritance will also apply for Angular2.

    1. Yes I agree although I have mixed emotions with Angular2. That will be the topic of my next blog post, and what JS library we choose for ProjExec going forward.

    2. I have some reservations of Angular2, but on Monday I will start as Full Stack Java developer, where Angular2 will be part of the solution, so over the last months I did some development with Angular2. Started to give our HR Assistant application a new front end, as part of learning by example ;-)

  2. Well you did not have any reservations regarding XPages? To make it a bit more interesting: what are the reservations and why is that specific to version 2? For what I have learned about Angular2 so far I would not have been able to make a full blown application. When learning XPages that was just a piece of cake. Are there any visual development tools to be recommended to speed up the learning curve?


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